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Sunday 11 July 2010


Cycled 30miles yesterday 10-07-10. 12 miles to find a new helmet after crashing into a road sign last year. Should have replaced it last year really. Funny things is, if I hadn't had the helmet on I would have seen the sign! Didn't find one that could make me go faster. The rest done with friend Karen, bit of a power workout playing tag along the road from Beaulieu. My legs were stiff today.

Managed to summon up the energy to cycle another 20miles today 11-07-10. Was feeling very tired but thought of the challenge ahead and got out the door. Today is the first time I've cycled 2 days in a row!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're speeding ahead. Day 1 Training was Sat. Slept through. Sunday managed to cycle to my friend's and back (4 miles) before getting a puncture. Not looking good so far. Am concentrating on the visualisation aspect of training. I have had a look at a good bike. It's about half the weight of mine and looks very comfy. Don't worry, it's my age. Just taking a while to get started, but once all the engines are firing, I will be off like a whippet up a greased pole.
